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The 11st of September

The War of Succession (1702-1714) confronted Catalonia and the rest of countries of the Crown of Aragon with Castilla, within the framework of an international conflict of European reach. One of the main consequences of the defeat was the abolition of the jurisdictions of the Principality and the institutional disruption of the country. In 1716, with the military occupation of the Catalan territory, the Decree of Nueva Planta was promulgated and it involved the forbidding of the Catalan nation and its language and the abolition of all the institutions (the Consell de Cent, the Corts or Parliament, the Generalitat and the army), the constitutions and the fiscal and monetary systems which came off eliminated.

From the defeat, the Catalan village pointed out the day of the eleventh September as the National Party of Catalonia. This day, although it means the painful remembrance of the loss of freedoms, is also a symbol of claim and active resistance in front of the oppression, as well as being a symbol for the hope of a total national recovery. During the national celebrations, the urban landscape of Catalonia highlights for the view of the colors of the nation in all the balconies and windows. Many people make floral offerings on the historical monuments related on historical moments or distinguished characters of that period. Within the acts schedule of all the villages turns several talks, conferences, exhibitions and activities of Catalan symbolism up.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427