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Party of Els Traginers of Montblanc (3rd April)

In a thousand years of history, Montblanc has seen many carriages. Nowadays, every 3rd of April, this town celebrates the Party of the Carriers in order to relive with the heirs, the stories of effort, work and sweat of that people who directed the horses and asses of transport. The morning of the first Sunday, the carriages, which are loaded and adorned for corresponding with the importance of this date, pass through the streets of the town well. The animals, which are also adorned, are commanded and guided by the carriers.

The Passion in Ulldecona and the traditional processions of the Holy Week

Easter is the time of the processions. They join religion and popular tradition rediscovering tunics, flowers and sculptural steps to the famous representations of the last episodes of the life of Jesus: the Passion and the Death. Thus, the Catalan mediaeval theater is remembered and the traditional habits tied to the Catholicism are sustained. The most important processions and stagings of these dates can be found in cities such as Ulldecona, Tortosa, Tarragona, Reus and Montblanc.

Lent returns the medieval showmanship thanks to the staged Passion and Death of Jesuchrist. Regarding all the theatrical representations, the Ulldecona’s performance is the most named in the whole demarcation and one of the best known in the Catalan territory. Its participation increases every year.

The Medieval Week of Montblanc (from 22nd April until the 1st May)

In Montblanc, in the Conca de Barberà and the entire Catalonia, everybody expects the arrival of the Day of Saint Jordi. In Montblanc, everything and everybody move back the time until the Middle Age in order to celebrate a big medieval party.

This party has been stated as a national tourist interest at state and autonomous level by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Montblanc shows its theatrical performances in order to relive fantastic facts, like the Legend of Saint Jordi, and real facts with the celebration of the Parliament or ‘Les Corts’, the dances of noblemen and the markets in the street during the last week of April. It is also possible to relive with intensity and detail how the life of the workmen was in the city, the merchants of the town, the poor people, the farmers, and the soldiers who surprise the inhabitants and visitors walking through the streets of the city. Markets and meals are organized in different taverns. The arrival of the stately delegations fill the streets which are near the main square with colours, flags and music; and even the buildings retrieve the full-colour appearance of the medieval period with the maximum detail.
Fair of the Pottery in La Galera (from 29th April until the 1st May)

In La Galera the tradition of working the pottery and the ceramics with the hands is still preserved. Traditionally, this village has always been linked to the profession of potter, probably thanks to the quality of its clay, which has been the cause of the village’s fame. In spite of the decrease of workshops, today some of them are still preserved keeping the craft production and the old tradition.

Every year, at the end of April, The Galera remembers this ancient profession with the celebration of the Fair of the Pottery, where the pottery and the ceramics are the greatest protagonists. There are many activities to celebrate: exhibition and sale of traditional pottery and ceramic, live demonstrations of making pottery with a turn, meeting of lacemakers, tasting of the retrieved and traditional liquor of Galera - drink of great stink -, manufactured long ago in many homes of this town of the Montsià.

Fair of the Wine in Falset (from 30 th April until the 1 st May)

The Priorat is characterized by an orography full of hills, mountains, narrow valleys, girths, patches of forests and hidden villages. We must add the steep vineyards which grasped to the land and the traditional wine of the Priorat on this list. This wine comes out thanks to the daily work of people grasped on the land and their traditions. They have achieved a top-quality product which gives its name to a region and a country. Every year, Falset presents its Fair of the Wine for these dates and it suppose the Sample of D.O. Wines of the Region of the Priorat.

During the fair the visitors have the possibility of tasting the wines and the cuisine of the area, visiting exhibitions or the Cooperative Cellar of Falset, participating in talks related on the world of the wine, approaching the thematic cinema, participating in introductory courses of taste of specialized wines, enjoying the gastronomic conference of the wine’s cuisine which invite many experts for talking about different matters, and carrying out different tourist itineraries.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427