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The concept of World Heritage adopts an exceptional importance thanks to its universal definition and application which guarantees that all the cultural and natural treasures stated by Unesco belong to the whole humanity; independently og their territorial or national location. Those goods which are inclued on the list of the World Heritage fulfill the criteria of selection that brings them an indisputable universal value. In this line, the Costa Daurada has three spaces of great interest that act as witness of the cultural tradition of this land, expressing the exchange of influences about the development of the architecture, the monumental arts, the urban planning and the creation of landspaces of thre well differentiated historical periods: Rupestrian Art of the Mediterranean Arch (declared Humanity Heritage in 1998), the Roman City of Tarragona (year 2000) and the Monastery of Poblet (year 1991).
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427