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Party of the Communion Bread in El Vendrell (16th July)

July starts solemnly with the parties of the Communion bread which is one of the most original traditions and characteristics of the town of El Vendrell. It is a mediaeval celebration related on the harvest time. Long ago the blessing of the old flour was made before reaping the new wheat during the octave of Corpus but nowadays it is celebrated the first week of July. Several couples clothe themselves with the typical cures of the event and go to bless a decorated cake with carnations. The party lasts a week and there is an original itinerary along the streets of different neighborhoods every day. That is why this party is called ‘Party of the neighborhoods’. The beginning of the celebration is announced with a chime of bells and a launch of rockets. That day the commissions of each neighborhood organize several acts such as child shows, the burn of a satirical ‘Falla’, dance of sardanas, dinners in the streets and other typical dances.

Maritime Processions

The devotion of the Mare de Déu del Carme was introduced in the Catalan Countries by the first convents’ foundations of the order of Carmelites nuns, in the 13th century. This day - 16th July - the maritime processions that transport the image of Virgin in boat in several coastal populations are frequent: Sant Carles de la Ràpita, l’Ampolla, etc.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427