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Home > Dobrogea de Nord > Local system > BABADAG > Analisys and conclusions


 The presence of a natural and cultural patrimony having a special value

 The peaceful life together of the minorities and the acculturation process in certains domains of the traditional life which gave birth to some cultural systems unique in the country

 The presence of administrative and institutional structures which are opened to collaborate and to initiate some activities of efficient promotion of the zone

 The placement of the locality in the proximity of other interesting points from the touristic point of view (the Medieval fortress and the Museum of the village from Northern Dobrudja in Enisala, the archaeological vestiges from Ibida - Slava Rusă)


 The absence of a touristic infrastructure adequate and capable to involve financial resources for the touristic exploitation of the region

 The absence of an unitary strategy at the county level, capable to channel all the factors directly or indirectly affected by the tourism activity

 The absence of the financial resources for the sustaining by the local authorities of some big infrastructure projects which could encourage the touristic development of the region

 The low economic power of the inhabitants and the absence of the interest in supporting the cultural act

 The accented diminution of the inhabitants’ number and of the employees

 The difficult access of the tourist in the region due to the specific geographical placement of Tulcea county (only from Tulcea and Constanţa)

The absence of brochures/folders for the popularization of the region and its exceptional values

 The absence of a Center for Touristic Information at the local level

 The absence of the promotion for some alternative tourism services (cultural or ecological)

 The absence of public services

 The lack of interest of the tourism agencies from the region for the inclusion in the touristic offer of some cultural activities which promote the exceptional cultural and natural patrimony of the region
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231