Local architecture and traditional life style is conserved in a small percent in Babadag.
Only streets orientation and some elements of the local architecture remind the settlement with predominant Moslem (Turkish) inhabitants. Some public buildings and some tiled roofs remind the traditional structure of the dwelling. These are not enough elements to make the distinction between the specificities of Romanian and Turkish people who lived together in this area, because of the fact that the majority of these buildings were elevated around 1920, when the cultural interferences were strong and daily life required common activities and patterns.
The traditions of this place, pointed out by handicrafts and manufacture and by common laws, may be known visiting The Oriental Art Exhibition.
Turkish traditional art of Dobrudja reflects its oriental origin by textures, embroideries, clothes, copper vessels for daily use or cult use. Yet, certain traits of this art point out interferences with the art of Balkan and Dobrudja autochthonous people.
The chromatic of Turkish and Tartars decorations remind the Mediterranean space: pink, indigo, lilac, light blue, light green, red. Silvery or golden wire completes the decorative and chromatic compositions.
Copper vessels, realized with a special sense of proportions, have forms which reveal the correlation between functional and aesthetic.
Turkish and Tartar traditional costume from Dobrudja kept only few elements which remind the old oriental costume ensemble. Sumptuousness and richness of ornaments and decorations, oriental chromatic are specific characteristics of this zone traditional culture.
Regarding traditional customs, those practiced by the Turkish population come off. Curban – Baiaram is still practiced nowadays and keeps archaic rituals. This feast is connected with the rams sacrifice and send to ancient sacrificial faiths. The community makes special preparations for this feast and respects the old ceremony.
The Romanian population customs keep ancient rituals in the ceremonies connected with Christmas, New Year and Easter. Some carols or masks dances are similar to the zonal customs.
Regarding the traditional trades, loom weaving produces cotton, wool or silk textures for domestic use and decoration. Both the domestic textures and those with decorative purpose prove a long tradition in the field. Decorative motifs reveal the connection between human, its environment and endeavors.