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The town is situated in Babadag Depression, in the proximity of Babadag Lake and Sultan Tepe promontory.

The summits which are watching the settlement form Babadag Hills. They are geographical sub-units of Babadag Plateau. The highest summits, Carada (300 m high) and Koiun Baba (266 m high) offer the panorama of the town. At the horizon, Black Sea and Enisala fortress outline can be seen. Babadag Plateau, carved in Cretaceous limestone, is a hilly plateau, intensively fragmented, which have interior depressions with large glacises (Slava Rusă, Slava Cercheză) and marginal depressions covered by loess (Babadag - Enisala, Jurilovca - Ceamurlia de Jos). The geological deposits which compose the plateau belong to Superior Cretaceous Period and they are represented by lime stones, conglomerates, sandstones and loess-like deposits.

From the climatic point of view, the topo-climate characteristic for the hills and plateaus is present. The yearly average temperature is 10.7°C, the yearly average quantity of precipitations is low (417.9 mm), most of the rains have a torrential character, summer is not too hot and winter is not too cold. The torrential rains have an important role in the relief modeling and also in the dynamic of some physical and geographical processes.

The hydrographical network is poor. It consists in Taiţa and Teliţa rivers, Tabana stream which crosses the town, with its tributaries Kioşcula and Şeremet and the stream Sungurul at the south-eastern part of the locality. The two rivers form swampy holms which continue downstream with Topraichioi and Zebil pools. These last communicate at their turn with Babadag Lake.

Although situated in a steppe zone, Babadag is placed in the vicinity of Babadag Lake and Babadag forest. This fact determines the presence of a rich flora and diversified fauna. The forest steppe, identified as a band which reaches 200 m high, constitutes the passing zone from the steppe to the forest. It appears like a joining between the cultivated ground and the secondary steppe grassland which are degraded by grazing. It also appears in a shape of little forest islands constituted by species of oak tree (Quercus pubescens, Quercus pedunculiflora), smoke tree (Cotinus coggyria), elm tree (Ulmus sp.), maple tree (Acer tataricum), diverse shrubs and steppe grassland with Festuca valesiaca and Stipa capillata. The forest vegetation, beyond its landscape beauty, has also a special scientific importance. In its composition are present: associations with a structure closed to that of the primary natural forests from Dobrudja, regional associations specific for Dobrudja (Stipetum capillatae subas. dobrogicum, Stipo ucrainicae - Festucetum valesiacae), cenotaxons endemic for Dobrudja (Agropyro brandzae - Thymetum zygioidi), sub - Mediterranean xerothermic leafy forests and Balkan mesophyte leafy forests.

In the forests which cover Babadag summits, some rare plants included in the European Red List such as numerous species of orchids and some species protected at the national level and considered monuments of the nature such as Sophara babadogensis and Paeonia peregrine can be found. The richness in plants species is due to the sea with its climatic moderator role and to the favorable micro-climatic conditions created by the fragmented relief.

Fauna elements identified in these forests are represented by numerous and important species of insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. Most of them are protected at the international level. There are prey birds such as Buteo buteo, Falco subbuteo, Falco tinnunculus, Accipiter nisus, reptiles such as Testudo graeca, Podarcis taurica, Vipera ammodytes and mammals such as Capreolus capreolus and Dama dama.

There are no pollution sources or antropic factors which can produce modifications to the natural environment, because of the diminution of the industrial activity after 1989. More over, an important surface of Babadag forest was recently proposed to get the status of natural reserve because of the numerous species of rare and very rare plants and animals and because of the presence of a unique forest association.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231