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Home > Costa d'Amalfi > Cultural Heritage > Assets analysis > Handicraft and ancient trades

Handicraft can be viewed as a synthesis, an expression, the communication of a get-together: the coming together of men, individuals and social groups, with their territory. Its output are objects that, thanks to the concreteness of their shape and of the material they are made of, have the power of evoking centuries-old craftsmanship, skills and techniques. They include a rich array of finely decorated ceramic tiles, pots made of earth, water and fire, unpretentious baskets that smell of countryside and woodland, clothes steeped in light and fabrics with a blaze of colours, impalpable sheets of paper smooth as silk and magnificent, superb basketwork made of flimsy strands of palm tree. Suspended as they are between tangible and intangible inheritance, marked as they are by the poverty of the raw materials and the unequalled craftsmanship they call for, they are powerful syntheses of expertise and manual skill, culture and civilization, patience, intuition and creativity. Handicraft products embody and reveal the ability to use whatever land and sea have to offer and whatever merchant ships have brought to the Coast: raw materials, but also practices and working techniques native of and imported from distant countries. Illustrating local solutions devised for handling raw materials, they document traditional values and expertise which matured in an age-long process and which were re-elaborated and passed down from father to son.
Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni Culturali - Villa Rufolo - 84010 Ravello - Italia - tel. +39.089.857669/089.858101