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Handicraft production

Next we find a list of the most distinguished productions of several towns of the Costa Daurada thanks to the handycraft inventory which has been carried out by the Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government:

- Benissanet: A very varied and interesting production of pottery: pitchers, turrets and other types of recipients.

- Cornudella: Handmade production of 2 artisans: Joaquim Pallejà (dolls of cloth, other objects of decoration) and Joan Fernández (works of iron and heraldry).

- The Pinell de Brai: Works carried out with palmetto tree.

- El Vendrell: Known for the design of its clay pitchers.

- Gandesa: Top-quality bottles of wine, elaborated with leather of goat.

- Ginestar: More concrete Pottery recipients such as pitxells, vines and a jug with a round form that is made only to order.

- L’Arboç del Penedès: Works of its lacemakers who use the characteristic bobbin laces to decorate tablecloth, sheets, dresses, etc.

- L'Espluga de Francolí: Works with forged iron and great creativity which still respect the tradition.

- La Galera: Decorated jugs with parallel lines which are manufactured since many years ago. Pieces with an austere beauty such as the pitchers, the jugs, the terrines, etc.

- La Selva del Camp: Known for the production of decorative ceramics, especially Christmas crib figures.

- Miravet: This village has the largest number of craftsmen. They have directly inherited the traditions of a neighbourhood which was exclusively populated by turners and potters in the Middle Ages.

- Mont-roig del Camp: Work of its forges.

- Móra d’Ebre: Magnificent barrels of wine which are elaborated also with leather of goat. This village is also known for its skilled carpenters.

- Paüls: Known thanks to its production of baskets and panniers.

- Rasquera: The shepherds work the wood of box especially well. The works with palmetto tree are the most outstanding. Baskets and all kind of utensils.

- Santa Coloma de Queralt: Highly appreciated wrought iron work.

- Sarral: Famous as a centre for alabaster production.

- Tivenys: Pottery ceramics with an important popular rooting.

- Torredembarra: It still maintains the ancient tradition of pottery making with pitchers and flowerpots. The last one is the most common item.

- Tortosa: Production of Christmas crib figures.

- Vimbodí: Beautiful inflated glass copies of popular use such as demijohns, several types of porrons, pitchers and ‘almorratxes’ or blown glass bottles (recipient that was used in traditional parties).
  • Handicraft production
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