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Iberian Heritage

Following the course of the Ebre river waters, it is possible to find numerous vestiges of the Iberian civilization. This culture was a native creation which was born as a result of the contact with the Greek and the Phoenician-Carthaginian contact. Its inhabitants were part of tribes who never joined in a political way, but they manifested an own art that reached all the fields of their activity and their cultural behaviour. The architecture was developed in the walled Iberian cultures, constructed on top of several hills. The sculpture reflects their beliefs and the stone, bronze and pottery materials. The pottery also had a great circulation and lots of objects, which revealed the Greek influence, were manufactured with a great originality and expressive richness. Finally we observe very appreciated and worked samples of gold work and jewelry - activities that became the most representative Iberian art -.

There are many Iberian settlements placed in the Tarragona demarcation: Alcanar, Amposta, Gandesa, Camarles and Tivissa are some of the towns and villages that own a singular Iberian heritage. In total, there are ten villages which still preserve Iberian vestiges on their territories. However, it is necessary to highlight the Iberian settlement of Calafell. It is the only one which has been able to retrieve the whole of the village remains and converting them in a unique space for a complete ethnographical observation and reserch.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427