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The locality is situated in the fluvial-marine sector of Danube Delta (that part of the delta situated at east of Litcov-Jibrieni sand bank). This sector is characterized by a predominance of marine sand banks which are perpendicular or oblique given those fluvial which are much larger and formed by littoral belts disposed in shape of fan with the tip orientated to south. At the south of Sfântu Gheorghe branch, the marine belts are grouped converging to southwest with a crossing point at Periteaşca. Both sides of Sfântu Gheorghe branch, the association of sand banks and prolonged depressions which compose it is so tight that they form together a triangular delta, older than that of Chilia branch, fact which influence the navigation. Outside this delta, the littoral stream begins the pushing of Danube's alluvia and shelly sands to southwest, building with them the sand belts which close the lacustrine complex Razim .

The hydrographic network is represented by the Danube's branch from which a network of channels and streams which are feeding the lakes and swamps, which communicate between them forming a true aquatic labyrinth.
br>Sfântu Gheorghe branch, the oldest Danube branch, had an important role in the Danube Delta forming process. Along it, following the pedo-geological investigations, being the oldest part of the delta. This branch grew on its own alluvia into a sheltered liman (the actual fluvial delta), silted to the north, and its hesitations were reflected in the numerous meanders and in the branches' separations deviated to south or even southwest, nowadays streams, which built the "delta" mostly swampy and covered with floating isles and reed, terminated with an littoral fluvial accumulation plain (5-8 m altitude). In the Sfântu Gheorghe branch coterminous zone, the commune territory is crossed by numerous channels and streams: Tătaru, Sondei and Ivancea at north, "gârla Turcească", "gârla de Mijloc", Crasnicol, Erenciuc and Lejai, at southeast, as well as other smaller streams.

From the geologic point of view, the locality's territory is situated at the southern part of the Pre-Dobrudjean Depression, which continues to southeast on the littoral platform and which corresponds to the proper Danube Delta, this being built on a plain relief drowned in the Black Sea waters, last time after the melting of the largest Würm glacier, in Holocene. As a result of geological prospecting (1962 - 1970), the presence of heavy minerals like ilemenite, rutile, zirconium and magnetite in the composition of the sand from the littoral of the Black Sea between Sulina and Sfântu Gheorghe was noted. They give to the sand a dark-brown color. These minerals have a significant importance in the metallurgy and chemical industry. The richest zone in these minerals is situated on "Sărăturile" sand bank, located at the north of the locality Sfântu Gheorghe.

The climate of the zone has a temperate character with marine influences. Regarding the air temperature and the precipitations, moderation is noted, the average year temperature being 11°C and the average year quantity of precipitations being 400 mm. Winter comes late and it is relatively warm. Spring comes 2-3 weeks later than inside the country. The air relative humidity is permanently very high, due to the sea proximity and evaporation from the aquatic surfaces. Long periods of dryness are specific to this region. Snow is rare. The mist is a characteristic phenomenon too. It comes from the sea, especially in wintertime.

The locality is protected against floods by dykes. Despite this, a potential risk of flood from the sea, when the winds coming from the east are very strong and push the sea water is present. But this phenomenon is very rare.

the most frequent winds are those from the northern sector, which are predominant in wintertime. The winds from the south are predominant in the summertime. In summer, n the littoral, sea breezes are present.

The particularities of the nature characteristic to the Danube, the macro-zone in which the locality Sfântu Gheorghe is placed, the mild climate and also the other environmental conditions determined the development of a flora and fauna unique in Europe, which constitutes the touristic attraction of the zone. On the commune's territory, three protected areas for their ornitho-fauna can be found: Sahalin-Zătoane (formed by the isles "Sahalinul Mare" and "Sahalinul Mic" and the marine sand banks "Zătoane") and the lakes Erenciuc and Belciug. These areas are recognized as places for halt, feeding and nesting for over 200 species of Aquatic birds.

From the vegetation point of view, the landscape between the sand bank Caraorman, Sulina branch and Sfântu Gheorghe branch presents itself like a reed sea with some relatively large puddles which surfaces are yearly decreasing because of the new formed floating reed islets. The zone is characterized by reed thicket vegetation, dominated by the association Scirpo-Phragmitetum, consisting of Phragmites australis, Typha angustifolia, Scirpus lacustris etc. On the floating islets the reed is associated with Calystegia sepium, Mentha aquatica, Solanum dulcamara, Stachys palustris, Symphytum sp., Dryopteris thelypteris. The aquatic floating vegetation (Nymphaea alba, Nuphar luteus, nymphoides peltata, Hidrocharis morsus-ranae, Trapa natans, Lemna sp.) and also the submerse vegetation (Valisneria spiralis, Myriophyllum sp., Ceratophyllum sp. etc.) are well developed, giving an apart beauty to the landscape, especially in the periods when water lily blossoms. On the sand banks un-flooded, species of plants which resist at dryness can be found.

Local fauna is dominated by species of birds (aquatic, limicolous, migratory, nesting, of passage or sedentary). Here, as well as in the entire delta, 3.6% of world avifauna can be found. In correlation with the natural conditions, terrestrial animals (Meles meles, Capreolus capreolus, Lutra lutra, Ondathra zibetica etc.), aquatic animals (Emys orbicularis, Natrix natrix, various fish species) and animals specific for the easily flooded land are present. The majority of the animals and plants species identified in the zone are protected by international conventions where Romania is signatory (Roma Convention, Berlin Convention, Ramsar Convention etc.)

The locality has a big importance for the fish economy of the delta, because here the biggest sturgeons production in the country is realized,. In front of the Danube's mouths, in the most far-off the shore regions, shells banks which feed the sturgeons can be found. The sturgeons are part of the few primitive fish families which are still living.

The zone where Sfântu Gheorghe is situated is one of the most attractive in the country, by its landscape, its flora and fauna richness, by its natural reserves and especially by the sea littoral.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231