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Home > Dobrogea de Nord > Local system > SFÂNTU GHEORGHE > Analisys and conclusions


 The diagrams regarding the evolution of the inhabitants number indicate a diminution. In 2002, the weight of the population with ages between 0 and 44 years represented 59% from the total number of inhabitants.

 The diagrams regarding the evolution of the inhabitants’ number on age groups and sexes indicate on one side the decrease of the birth rate, and on another side a balance relatively poised, in all the studied period, between the weight of women’s number and that of the men’s number. Still, men are prevalent.

 The evolution of the ratio resulted from the quotient of inhabitants’ number divided by that of dwellings’ number indicates a increase of the comfort: 55 m˛/person in 1992 comes to 60 m˛/person in 2002.

 The diagram of the consumptions’ evolution indicates a small increase, fact which denotes a small increase of the comfort level.

 In 1992, the percent of employed population was 31.33% from the total number of the inhabitants and 46.47% from the total number of the inhabitants with ages between 20 and 65 years. In 2002, the percent of employees was 27.39% from the total number of the inhabitants and 42.43% from the total number of the inhabitants with ages between 20 and 65 years.

 The main occupations are the same: fishing, navigation and vegetable growing (20 ha), but in the last period an increase preoccupation for the touristic offer development can be added. The activities of the nowadays commercial societies are: fish breeding, commerce and tourism. The arable land cultivated diminished from 850 ha to 700 ha.

 The touristic offer is enough good, rural tourism being prevalent.

 Public services are minimal.

 Despite the fact that beside the Romanians, Ukraineans are living, these last declare the Romanian nationality.


 The presence of a natural and cultural patrimony having a special value

 The presence of administrative and institutional structures which are opened to collaborate and to initiate some activities of efficient promotion of the zone (Sfântu Gheorghe Local Council)

 The preservation, from the architectonic point of view, of the planimetry and of other traditional elements

 The opening of the population from the zone to support the tourism in all its forms
 The initiation of some investments for the tourism infrastructure development


 Hard access due to the placement of the locality at the end of Sfântu Gheorghe branch

 The absence of the financial resources for the sustaining by the local authorities of some big infrastructure projects which could encourage the touristic development of the region

 The low economic power of the inhabitants and the absence of the interest in supporting the cultural act

The absence of brochures/folders for the popularization of the region and its exceptional values

 The absence of a Center for Touristic Information at the local level

 The lack of interest of the tourism agencies from Tulcea and Constanţa for the inclusion in the touristic offer of some cultural activities which promote the exceptional cultural and natural patrimony of the region
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231