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The ethnographical perspective on the locality Dunavăţu de Jos reveals the presence of two populations which lived together in this area (Romanians and Ukraineans) and the similarities of their ways of life.

These similarities are due to the fact that both populations lived together in the same environmental conditions. This fact determined the same type of local architecture, same occupations and sometimes same customs. Another common element is the orthodox religion.

Local architecture is characterized by traits specific for the whole area both concerning the type of dwelling and household (3 rooms house, veranda with pillars, annexes for beasts and tools) and concerning materials and building techniques (reed, bulrush, a higher percent of soil and a lower percent of rock and wood).

Traditional occupations were mainly breeding and fishing due to the zone with swamps and channels. The important role of breeding is shown by the stables which are biggest than in other localities.
Agriculture has been practiced without big success because of the sandy soil.

Christmas and New Year customs and traditional ceremonies are relevant. Population celebrated Christmas and New Year in the old style (meaning Christmas on 7th January and New Year beginning on 14th January). Nowadays, some old people are still faithful to this custom. Between the ceremonial acts of these feasts, Christmas Eve wishes reveal mentalities and faiths of Slav population. Children, grandchildren and godchildren go to the parents, grandparents and godparents with knot-shaped bread, clothes in order to wish to the hosts all the best for the feast. Hosts receive the guests with ritual food like “cucheaua” (boiled wheat with juice, mixed with nuts and honey). This food is specific to Slavs but it is made also by Romanians.

Christmas carols are secular and they are also song at Murighiol and other villages with Ukrainean population.
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231