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On the rocky promontory, 2.5 km east from Murighiol, nearby the place where in ancient times one of the Danube's branches flew into the sea, ruins of a fortress in the shape of a triangular shield can be seen even nowadays. The fortress, named Halmyris, is situated on the right bank of the branch Sfântu Gheorghe, at the point known as "Bătăraia", "Cetatea" or "Cetăţuia".

Halmyris Fortress - Roman and Roman-Byzantine fortress, founded on an area with inhabitancy traces from VI-I B.C., passed through many evolutionary stages: Roman earth defence works (last quarter of I A.D.); rock Roman camp - headquarters of legions I Italica and XI Claudia Pia Fidelis vexilla and station of Classis Flavia Moesica - (beginning of II A.D.- third quarter of III A.D.) - fact proved by the inscriptions discovered at the North-Western Gate, which are telling about a vicus classicorum; Later Roman fortress (third quarter of III - first quarter of VII A.D.).

The Roman-Byzantine fortress, in a trapezoidal shape, had a surface of 2 ha, 15 towers, 3 gates and 3 precincts walls. The main discovered and partial restored vestiges are: Northern Gate; North-Western Gate (monumental?); Western Gate; Thermae; Building nr.1; the Palaeo-Christian basilica cu the martyrs' crypt, unearthed in 2001, which contained the bones of the martyrs Epictet and Astion, killed at the time of Diocletian.
Beginning with 2000, the fortress was registered in the Restoration National Plan.

The first documentary attestation appears in Turkish registers of 1543 with the name Mor-Kasim, belonging to the department of Hârşova. Turkish documents from 1864-1877 mention the same settlement with the name Mori-gol belonging to the department of Tulcea. The name of the village comes from the Turkish words moru, mori (blue) and ghiol meaning lake. It comes from the salt lake closed to the commune.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231