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The locality is situated in Dunavăţ Plain, one of the geographical subunits of Tulcea's Hills. It is an alluvial plain, uniform and little fragmented, which forms, together with the abrasion terrace, the lowest seacoast step (3-5 m). Heights - outliers, developed on lime stones, quartziferous schists or quartziferous sandstones.

Murighiol village is placed into a lakes zone. It is almost surrounded by lakes: Murighiol I Lake on which shore Pelican camping is placed, at the northeastern part, Murighiol II Lake, at the eastern part (both are fresh water lakes, supplied by Sfântu Gheorghe branch), Sărat Lake and Beibugeac Lake at the southern and southwestern part, forming together Sărăturile Murighiol. Some of these are presently used as entertainment, fishing and hunting points for the tourists who put up at the camping from the locality.

"Sărăturile Murighiol", about 2 km long and 500 m width, and very sinuous margins, is surrounded by paludous vegetation (Phragmites australis - reed, Scirpus lacustris - bulrush) which ensure good nesting conditions for birds. They constitute also one of the ecological zones known for the protection of the aquatic birds preferring swampy habitat: Recurvirostra avosetta, Limosa limosa, Himanthopus himanthopus, Anser coerulescens, Anser brachyrhynchus, Anser fabalis.

Murighiol village is also situated nearby the km 65 of Sfântu Gheorghe branch which is the oldest and the most sinuous Danube branch (113 km long). This sinuosity as well as the existence in the proximity of the main water course constitute not only a characteristic of this branch, but prove also its age. The deltaic depression between Sfântu Gheorghe branch and Razim Lake is traversed by a network of artificial channels and streams such as: "Lipovenilor" channel, Dunavăţ - the oldest artificial channel built in the delta -, Dranov, Mustaca and Perişor-Belciug, which feeds the lagoon with fresh water, Dranov Lake and the nursery ponds from the area. This branch has the most spectacular and the less affected by human activities impact landscape. Crossing the branch, at about 5 km upstream on the right side, Uzlina village can be found. This village is situated in the proximity of Uzlina Lake which is one of Danube Delta ecological reserves with ornithological importance.

The climate is influenced by the Danube proximity. Winter is mild (average temperature: -0.4°C) and summer is warm (average temperature: 21.6°C) and the year average temperature is 11°C. The year average quantity of precipitations is 444.5 mm. The values of these meteorological elements permit the framing of the studied area into the plain climate, steppe district and topo-climatic into the belt of the hills and low plateaus climate.

Nowadays, the nature is not affected by any pollution or human factor.

From the small fishing port of the locality, trips with motorboats on different itineraries, including both deltaic zones and touristic objectives from the Razim lagoon (Popina isle, Portiţa, Dolojman Cape) can be done.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231