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The locality is placed in the Jurilovca - Ceamurlia de Jos Depression, at the south-western extremity of the Babadag Plateau. It is a zone of marshes, meadows and cultivated lands, the relief being a result of the marine abrasion phenomenon. The village is bounded at south by Goloviţa Lake and at east by Razim Lake. Both lakes together with Babadag Lake form the Razim lakes complex. The actual lagoons complex was formed on the place of an ancient continental depression which was flooded by the sea water and afterwards transformed in the old marine gulf Halmyris. The highest parts of this depression remained as rocky isles or promontories. Bisericuţa, isle - marine outlier, is composed of limestones on which a double tombolo has been formed (the sand banks Coşa and Leahova). This isle is part of Periteaşca-Bisericuţa-Gura Portiţei Natural Reserve (3900 ha), where the pelicans and the Ruddy Shelduck are nesting (Pelecanus onocrotalus, P. crispus, Tadorna tadorna) or numerous passage birds halt. Grădişte isle, formed at the mouth of Babadag liman, 14.6 m high, is linked by the shore at the northern side. Popina isle, 47.9 m high, is the most commanding by position, extent and landscape beauty. It presents a slightly rendered convex relief, with large marginal glacises covered by loess and steep cliffs. Here, the oldest foundation rocks from the interior of the deltaic area, represented by grey brecciated lime stones rich in fossil fauna. Cape Dolojman, 7 km east from Jurilovca, a calcareous promontory 56 m high, has the highest cliff of the Romanian shore. All these sites are recognized as ornithological natural reserves. These places constitute important shelters for many migratory species: pelicans, winter wild duck at other passage birds.

The vegetation is specific for the marsh (reed, bulrush and Dutch rush).

Razim Lake is connected with the Danube's branch Sfântu Gheorghe by the channels Dranov, Dunavăţ and Lipovenilor, and with the Black Sea by the straits formed in the litoral sand belt Sfântu Gheorghe-Portiţa. Razim Lake is one of the biggest fishing basins in the country. Ichthyofauna is represented by fresh water fish ((Cyprinus carpio, Abramis brama, Stizostedion lucioperca etc.).

The zone of the Razim complex is characterized by an excessive continental climate, specific for Dobrudja, a little moderated due to the vicinity of the sea. The thermal conditions present amplitude variations of less than 3°C in comparison with the rest of Dobrudja (22°C against 25°C).

At Jurilovca, the year average temperatures vary a little around 11°C, +5°C in the winter and 20°C in the summer. The precipitations are generally reduced (400 mm/year). The main winds are the northern and northeastern ones, but in summer the southern and southeastern ones dominate.

There is no natural or human factor to produce any major modification to the landscape. The rearrangement of the touristic point Portiţa, 12 km from the village, where the original camping of lacustrine type, unique in the country, has been replaced with chalets covered by reed, placed on the shore and a modern hotel.

From Jurilovca, rides with motor boats or oar boats, on the Razim Lake or to Portiţa, can be easily made. Visits at the archaeological vestiges like the Greek-Roman fortress Argamum, situated on the promontory Dolojman Cape can be also organized. The sea litoral has very fine sand at Portiţa.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231