The presence of a natural and cultural patrimony having a special value
The presence of administrative and institutional structures which are opened to collaborate and to initiate some activities of efficient promotion of the zone
The preservation, from the architectonic point of view, of the planimetry and of other traditional elements
The opening of the population from the zone to support the tourism in all its forms
The absence of a touristic infrastructure adequate and capable to involve financial resources for the touristic exploitation of the region
The accented degradation of the access infrastructure, fact which lead to the hard access of the tourists
The absence of the financial resources for the sustaining by the local authorities of some big infrastructure projects which could encourage the touristic development of the region
The low economic power of the inhabitants and the absence of the interest in supporting the cultural act
The absence of brochures/folders for the popularization of the region and its exceptional values
The absence of a Center for Touristic Information at the local level
The lack of interest of the tourism agencies from Tulcea and Constanţa for the inclusion in the touristic offer of some cultural activities which promote the exceptional cultural and natural patrimony of the region
The accented decrease of the consumption
The lack of public services