The diagrams regarding the evolution of the inhabitants number indicate a slow diminution. In 2002, the weight of the population with ages between 0 and 44 years is 69% given the 31% of the population with the age more than 45 years. This shows a big number of young inhabitants.
The diagrams regarding the evolution of the inhabitants’ number on age groups and sexes indicates on one side the decrease of the birth rate, and on the other side an extremely poised balance, for all the studied period, between the women and men weights.
The evolution of the ratio resulted from the quotient of inhabitants’ number divided by that of dwellings’ number indicates an almost insignificant increase of the comfort: 6.09 m˛/person in 1992 comes to 6.45 m˛/person in 2002.
The diagram of the consumptions’ evolution indicates a decrease.
In 1992, the percent of employed population was 23.24% from the total number of the inhabitants and 45.23% from the total number of the inhabitants with ages between 20 and 65 years. In 2002, the percent of employees was 20.18% from the total number of the inhabitants and 34.56% from the total number of the inhabitants with ages between 20 and 65 years. This shows a significant decrease of employees’ number.
The main occupation is the same: land cultivation (wheat, corn, sun flower). The arable land cultivated diminished increased from 1024 ha to 2053 ha. The activities of the nowadays commercial societies are: agriculture, stone working and commerce. The elimination of the society which produced ready-made clothes is notable.
The touristic offer is almost zero.
The public services are minimal for a town.
The ethnical and religious composition indicates that the majority of the inhabitants are Romanians. Beside them, Turks, Ukraineans and Lipovans are living.