Isaccea is a locality where Romanians and Turkish people live together. The town aspect presents streets crossing which doesn't follow a systematization specific rule. The planimetry of the town is linear.
The architecture is a rural one, similar for the villages of this zone. Building materials are: reed, wood and bricks of cob.
Another architectural type reminds the dwelling of 1920-1930: tin roof, no veranda and high foundation.
The architecture of 1950-1960 may be recognized in archways and colonnades which fence in an inlet which imitates the porch.
Some central buildings send to the architectural structure of little shops specific for the middle of XX century.
Regarding the traditional occupations, land cultivation is the main one and breeding is less practiced than in the villages around. As urban characteristic, small trade has been developed.
Folk art has a weak representation at the locality level. Romanian decorative textures (towels, carpets) are brought from the surrounding villages where the most of the inhabitants come from. Turkish textures are special because of their motifs typical oriental (pomegranate flower, hyacinths, flower pot) and their bright colors chromatic (fauve, pink, mauve).
Customs keep their ethnical specificity: Romanian customs are the same frequently practiced by the inhabitants of the zone (Christmas, Easter, church festival); Turkish community celebrates Curban-Baiaram, a feast where the rams are sacrificed.