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From the geological point of view, Isaccea is placed on the oldest land of the country. It is situated in the proximity of Danube Holm, on a Triassic limes rocky promontory with altitudes between 75 and108 m which belongs to the morpho-geographical unit Niculiţel Hills. This geographical unit contains summits having the aspect of plain bridges separated by saddles. They come off the main summit in the shape of spurs towards the Isaccea - Niculiţel Depression.

To the north, these hills end with a steep slope which dominates the Danube's Holm and the small depressions in the shape of steps. These depressions have glacises spread from Isaccea to Saon Monastery and false terraces, loess like. The promontory interrupts the northern sector of the easily flooded Danube's Holm, characterized by large fluvial sand banks, drained zones (in the zone of the locality Grindu, the lacustrine complex Crapina was drained and the land used afterwards in agricultural purpose), moist zone cu swampy portions and lacustrine zones (for example the lakes Saon, Rotund and Telincea) or dyked zones (Isaccea sector). This sector of the easily flooded river's holm makes the gradually pass from the geographical unit of holm type to the delta's one (in our case the Danube Delta).

The region is characterized by a topoclimate with humid nuances which defines the climate of plain and holms. The year average temperature is 10°C; the year average quantity of precipitations is less than 450 mm. The snowstorm phenomenon has a reduced frequency - 3-5 days/year. The mist is a frequent phenomenon due to the vicinity of Danube and fishing arrangements of Danube Holm. The Danube and the air circulation from west have a significant influence. As consequence, movements of the air type breezes coming from the Danube are specific. On the Danubian side, the winds coming from northwest and northeast are predominant.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231