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 The diagrams regarding the evolution of the inhabitants’ number on age groups and sexes indicate that the weight of inhabitants with less than 45 years is 59% from the total number of the inhabitants and the balance between the number of men and that of women inclines, for the same segment of the population, towards the men.

 The average number of the inhabitants/household is 3.02.

 The diagram of the consumptions’ evolution indicates an increase, fact which denotes an increase of the comfort level.

 In 2002, the percent of employees represented 15.57% from the total number of the inhabitants and 17.90% from the number of inhabitants with age between 20 and 65 years.
 The main occupations are the same: land cultivation (wheat, corn, sun flower), vegetable growing, forestry and fishing, and in the last period stone working can be added. The activities of the nowadays commercial societies are: agriculture, vinification and commerce. The arable land cultivated remained the same (3646 ha).

 The touristic offer (accommodation) reflects the promotion of the tourism for persons without many comfort pretensions.

 Public services are minimal.

 The ethnical and religious composition indicates that the great majority of the inhabitants are Romanians. Beside them, Ukraineans, Lipovans and Turks, in very small percents, are living.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231