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The locality joins the category of big rural settlements of Tulcea County, presenting agglomeration tendencies. In time the village has developed; initially, only the actual centre of the village was populated.

From the architectural side, the households’ organization wasn’t made following a certain plan. The placement of the houses is made depending on the activity of beasts’ surveillance and on the access lines.

Annexes are disposed either in line with the house, or in “L” shape, or, recently in “U” shape.

Specific building materials are: twigs, soil, reed, shingle and wood. Exterior decorations promote stylized floral motifs made by fretting or by lathing.

Inhabitants’ traditional occupations are land cultivation, breeding and viticulture. The last one is specific for Niculiţel, the village being famous for its vineyards. The economical life of the locality reveals the presence of a bigger number of little shops and manufactures. Cooper-age, smithy and furrier’s trade are well developed.

Traditional costume maintains the classical elements which are specific to the Romanian population from the northern Dobrudja. Typical pieces are house made by textures loam woven and present motifs sewed with needle or loam woven. Lately, clothes are made from textures bought from peddlers or from towns’ shops.

Traditional customs specific to the place have common aspects with the customs of the localities in the area.

The festival of the church and the village (Saint Paraschiva), on 14th of October is the cerebration specific for the entire community and combines secular and religious elements.

Carol-singing is practiced on Christmas Eve.

“Paparuda” is a custom, in fact a fertility rite which is practiced the third Thursday after the Easter. It consists in rain invocation.

“Orăria/Olăria” is a custom consisting in firing pyres on the hills and then rolling them. It is practiced on Easter Shrove Sunday.
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231