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Sulina branch is the single access way between Tulcea and Sulina. It has the aspect of an arranged channel having the banks super elevated by well consolidated dikes protected by flagstones. This branch was rectified and dragged in order to facilitate the access of the maritime ships to the upstream harbors, Tulcea, Galaţi and Brăila. Its characteristics are: 63 km long, at least 7 m deep, rectangular shape and 7 km of prolongation into the sea arched and curved to south. Because of the fact that also other European countries were interested in the maintenance of the Danube's and its mouths' navigability, in 1856, the Danube's European Commission, with headquarters in Sulina, has been founded. The arrangement project, which contained the building of parallel dykes, the narrowing of the channel's mouth, the prolonging of the dykes into the sea, belonged to the engineer Charles Hartley and was applied in 1858.

Sulina branch is also a big artery which supplies the depressions from the center of the delta with the water necessary for these ecosystems life maintenance. This branch is the easiest to follow in order to reach the network of streams, lakes or swamps from the depressions situated on the left and right side of it. It is also the easiest way to reach the zones of floating reed islets or reed thickets situated on the fluvial or fluvial-marine levees.

From the geologic point of view, the locality's territory is situated at the southern part of the Pre-Dobrudjean Depression, which continues to southeast on the littoral platform and which corresponds to the proper Danube Delta, this being built on a plain relief drowned in the Black Sea waters, last time after the melting of the largest Würm glacier, in Holocene. As a result of geological prospecting (1962 - 1970), the presence of heavy minerals like ilemenite, rutile, zirconium and magnetite in the composition of the sand from the littoral of the Black Sea between Sulina and Sfântu Gheorghe was noted. They give to the sand a dark-brown color. These minerals have a significant importance in the metallurgy and chemical industry.

Due to the diversity of the morpho-hydrographic elements, to the proximity of the sea, big contrasts define the climate. They are reflected either by the phenomenon's frequency or by the phenomenon's intensity. The predominant element is the wind which registers a higher intensity in comparison with the zones from the delta's interior: Sulina has only 31 days/year of calm. Generally, the winds from the north, frequent in autumn and winter (when they easily change into storms) dominate. Strong storms, hurricane type, which elevate dust and sand clouds from the delta's sand banks, have been noted. Breezes are present on the seashore in summertime. Air temperature and precipitations have moderated year average values: 11°C and 400 mm. Usually, winter comes later and it is relatively warm. Spring comes 2-3 weeks later than inside the country, in this season abrupt changes of temperature (even until -10°C), mist, high cloudiness and drizzle being registered. Precipitations have a continental character and, generally, they are reduced until 400 mm/year. The snow is rare and it falls in thin layer, winds sweep it away and it melts fast.

In the fluvial-maritime delta, the dunes sandy soils, which are present on the beaches and marine sand banks constituted by mobile and semi-mobile sands, on which Salicornia herbaceea predominate. On the seacoast sands the vegetation presents a characteristic graduation, passing from the sand of beaches with Cakile maritima, Salsola kali ruthenica and Eryngium maritimum to the high dunes with Elymus sabulosus and middle dunes with Centaurea arenaria, Scabiosa argentea etc. . Grassy species can be found: sand purple thistle, sand alfalfa, sand wormwood, sand woundwort, sand knot grass, sand bird's foot trefoil. Grassy species characteristic for saline soil of the seashore are present too. Underbrush and small willow tree are some of the wooden species which belong to the zone.

Fauna is rich. Wild boar can be found in Sulina vicinity. South of Sulina branch, swans are nesting. Cormorants' colonies are usual presences in the territory between Sulina branch and Sfântu Gheorghe branch.

The Important quantities of alluvia transported yearly by the Danube (through Sulina branch about 5800000 tones) built the delta and contribute, further on, at the perfection of its landscape. A proof is the old lighthouse from Sulina, built in 1802 and rebuilt in 1842, which remained presently behind the river's mouth. The appearance of the gulf Musura at the northeast from Sulina town is a consequence of the connection tendency of Sulina and Chilia branches. When the part from the north of Sulina is continuously extending, in south the phenomenon is contrary: the shore line is continuously withdrawing. Due to the fact that sea waters action like a buffer on the river waters, the deposition of materials in suspension make necessary the dredging and the permanent upkeep of the mouth. In the situation of big decrease of the Danube's water level because of a prolonged dryness (for example the 2003 dryness), the sea waters penetrate the interior of Sulina branch and affects the phreatic waters, generating serious problems with the population fresh water supply.

From sulina, two touristic itineraries are possible: : Sulina - Cardon - C.A.Rosetti -Letea and Sulina - Canalul Busurca - Roşuleţ Lake and Roşu Lake.
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Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231