Scientific examination of easel paintings
Edited by
Roger van Schoute and Hélène Verougstraete-Marcq
Pact 13, 1986
Painting technique: Supports and frames (Hélène Verougstraete-Marcq and Roger Van Schoute)
Conservation of paintings (Manfred Koller)
Reproduction of paintings. Photography (Thérèse Poilvache-Lambert and Maurits Smeyers)
Examination by infrared radiation (J.R.J. Van Asperen De Boer)
Radiography (Roger Van Schoute and Hélène Verougstraete-Marcq)
Cross-sections (Maria del Carmen Garrido and José Maria Cabrera)
Analysis of supports, grounds and pigments (Franz Mairinger and Manfred Schreiner)
Age determinations based on dendrochronology (Peter Klein)