Laminated Sediments
a cura di: S. Hicks, U. Miller, M. Saarnisto
PACT Belgium 1994
Ravello, Giugno 1991
148 pp., ill.
Preface (S. Hicks, U. Miller, M. Saarnisto)
⇒Introduction, Laminae Fomation in Long- and Short-Term Perspectives (U. Miller)
I. Laminated sediments, their structure, formation and applications in dating
⇒ The Study of Environmental Dynamics by Means of Laminated Sediments: Results from Switzerland (A. F. Lotter and M. Sturm)
⇒ The Swedish Clay Varve Chronology (B. Ringberg)
⇒ Late Quaternary Development in the Nothwest Baltic Sea. An Introduction (T. Andrén and J. Risberg)
⇒ Annually Laminated Late-Glacial Sediments in the Eastern Baltic Countries and the Evolution of Ice-dammed Lakes (A. Raukas)
⇒ The Use of Laminated Sediments to test Methods of Dating and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction (F. Oldfield, P. R. J. Crooks, P. G. Appleby and J. Renberg)
⇒ Improving the Accuracy of Radiocarbon Dates Using AnnuallY Laminated Sediments (P. E. O'Sullivan)
⇒ Laminated Sediments in Studier of Pleistocene Interglacial and Interstadial Deposits (A. M. Robertsson)
⇒ Annually Laminated Sediments at Valle di Castiglione - Rome, Italy (D. Magri, B. Narcisi)
II. The significance of laminated sediments in studying environmental changes caused by man
⇒ Laminated Sediments in South Germany from the Neolithic to the Hallstat Period (J. Merkt and H. Muller)
⇒ Sedimentary Records of Human Occupation in the Eastem Finnish Lake District (H. Simola)
⇒ Charcoal Analysis of Varved Lake Sediments (H. E. Wright Jr. and J. S. Clark)
⇒ Records of Bacteria Endospores in Varved Lake Sediments (I. Renberg, M. Nilsson)
⇒ A Detailed Record of Vegetation History in the East of England (S. M. Peglar)
⇒ Decreases in Beech Pollen in the Prealpine Foreland: The Potential of Varved Sediments (B. Ammann)
⇒ Lake Sediments in Bulgaria - Palaeoenvironmental Records (E. D. Bozilova, S. B. Tonkov)