Ancient and traditional ceramics

Ravello (Centre Universitaire Européen pour les Biens Culturels), Marzo 1990


⇒ Classifications of non-Attic Pottery: Style and Analysis (J. Boardman)
⇒ Euboean Pottery, East and West (J. Boardman, M. Popham)
⇒ Corinthian Wares and the West (N. Kourou)
⇒ The Classification of Athenian Painted Pottery (D.C. Kurtz)
⇒ Céramiques puniques (F. Chelbi)
⇒ Lucerne italiche tardo-repubblicane (C. Pavolini)
⇒ La terra digillata de la Gaufresenque como fenómeno social y económico (J. Nieto)
⇒ Easter terra Sigillata Wares - Late Roman Red-slip Wares and their Competitors: filling in the Mediterranean Picture (J. W. Hayes)
⇒ Surveys, Spreadsheets and Wrecks: what is the Point in Pottery Analysis? (A. J, N. W. Prag)
⇒ L'étude pétrographique des céramiques archéologiques: observations méthodologiques et exemples d'utilisation des résultats (M. Ricq-de Bouard)
⇒ Rete europea di laboratori per le analisi scientifiche applicate alle ceramiche archeologiche (N. Cuomo di Caprio)

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