Impact of Prehistoric and Medieval Man on the Vegetation
Man at the Forest Limit
a cura di: S. Hicks, D. Moe
PACT Belgium 1990
Report of the meeting
Ravello, 09-10 Dicembre 1989
119 pp.
Preface (D. Moe)
⇒Prehistoric and Ancient Man at Higher Altitudes and Latitudes. European Mountains: Norwegian Mountain Areas (S. Indrelid)
⇒ Prehistoric and Ancient Man at Higher Altitudes and Latitudes. European Mountains: The Alps (F. Fedele)
⇒ Some General Remarks on Human Impact in Pollen Diagrams (K. E. Behre)
⇒ When is a Pollen Type an Indicator of Human Presence? An Example from Hailuoto, Northern Finland (S. Hicks)
⇒ Agriculture in SW Greenland in the Norse Period (A.D. 982 c. 1450) (B. Fredskild)
⇒ Environment and Early Hunting Sites in Arctic-Alpine Areas in South Norwegian Mountains (S. Indrelid, D. Moe)
⇒ Neolithic Man and Domestic Animals at High Altitude in South Norway (S. Indrelid, D. Moe)
⇒ Evidence on Summer Farming and Land Use History at Different Altitudinal Levels in Mountain Areas of Western Norway (M. Kvamme)
⇒ Tree-Line and Human Influence in the Serra da Estrela, Portugal (W. O. Van Der Knaap)
⇒ Timber Line and Human Impact in the French Alps. The State of the Art and Research Programs (J. L. De Beaulieu et al.)
⇒ Terminal Palaeolithic Hunters within the Alps. Discoveries Near the Splügen Pass, Italy (F. Fedele)
⇒ Human Activity at the Forest Limit in the Czechoslovakian Mountains and its Influence on Vegetation (K. Rybnicek)
⇒ Transhumance in Mountain Areas: Additional Interpretation of Three Pollen Diagrams from Norway, Portugal and Swttzerland (D. Moe, W. O. Van Dee Knaap)
⇒ Impact of Prehistoric and Medieval Man on the Vegetation; Man at the Forest Limit. Assessment of the Situation (S. Hicks, D. Moe)
⇒ List of Additional Relevant Literature