
Sciences and materials of cultural heritage

Sciences and Materials of Cultural Heritage between Pollution et Climate Change
Doctoral course, Ravello 5-7 October 2015

with the support of Europa Major Hazards - Council of Europe
in collaboration with CRSTRA, Scientific and Technical Centre on Arid Regions, Biskra-Algeria


The 2015 Course aims to provide high level training for scientists, urban planners, engineers, architects, Cultural Heritage managers focused on impact of Pollution and Climate Change on Cultural Heritage.

The Course is addressed to young advanced students and professionals: scientists, architects, engineers, conservators, urban planners.
The lecturers belong to European Universities, National Research Centres and International Organisations. The entire Course will be held in English. There is no fee for participation.

To Apply: Registration form accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae and a Letter of Motivation (in English) in order to facilitate the selection process.

On request, students may benefit of 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) after agreement with their own university.

Deadline for application: 31 July 2015






Beni librari, archivistici e audiovisivi

Catalogazione dell'archivio storico dell'antico Hotel Caruso di Ravello


Coord.: D. Richter

in collaborazione con Associazione “Ravello Nostra”


Soci fondatori


Soci 2