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The commune territory has mostly a hilly relief. It is placed in an interior depression of Babadag Plateau, at the foot of three hills named Slavelor Hills, the main geographical subunits of the same plateau. The relief differences which are present in this sector of Babadag Plateau are due to the varied geological constitution (lime stones, grit stones, schist, alkaline granites, conglomerates etc.) on which the erosion acted selectively. Due to the layers' disposing, to the lithologic constitution, the superior course of Slava Valley has the character of a valley of synclinal.

Regarding the climate, a topo-climate of hills and plateaus is noted. The year average temperature is 10.7°C, the average quantity of precipitations is reduced (417.9 mm/year) - which is reflected by the high level of dryness, and the majority of rains have a torrential character, with important consequences in the actual modeling of the relief as well as in the dynamic of some physic-geographical processes. Summer is warm and winter is not too cold. Specific to the passage of Slava Valley is the topo-climate characterized by the channeling of the air masses especially on the direction north-west -- south-east, but also east - west with snow accumulations.

The commune is crossed by the two main tributaries of Slava river, respectively Slava Rusă şi Slava Cercheză. The river sources proceed from the calcareous hydro-structures of Atmagea Plateau, drain Babadag Plateau (647.5 km2) and flow in Goloviţa Lake (Razim lacustrine complex), covering a valley with the aspect of a passage. It has a major bed with a lop-sided development and the minor bed is scarcely sketched in some sectors. Due to the moving off of the arborescent vegetal layer from the slopes, processes of strong erosion and also frequent increases of the water level over the bed generating floods are noted.

In this zone, the majority of altitudinal plant belts characteristic for Dobrudja can be found: Balkan and sub-Mediterranean forest, forest steppe and steppe. The zone is the most representative sample of steppe landscape on calcareous substrate from Babadag Plateau.
Balkan forest, trace type, is constituted from a mixture of oaks (Quercus petraea, Q. dalechampii, Q. polycarpa), limes (Tilia tomentosa, T. plathyphyllos, T. cordata), hornbeams (Carpinus betulus, C. orientalis) and ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior, F. coriariaefolia, F. ornus). These forms four floristic associations met only in Dobrudja, respectively Tilio tomentosae - Carpinetum betuli, Nectaroscordo - Tilietum tomentosae, Galantho plicatae - Tilietum tomentosae and Polyquerco - Tilietum tomentosae.

Sub-Mediterranean forests (Paeonio peregrinae - Carpinetum orientalis) are represented by Quercus pubescens, Carpinus orientalis and Fraxinus ornus.

Forest steppe is situated either on the hills summits where they are represented by Galio gasypodi - Quercetum pubescentis, or in the valleys where they are represented by Galio gasypodi - Quercetum pedunculiflorae.

Steppe is mainly represented by meadows of Agropyretum pectiniformae, Bombycilaeno - Botriochloetum ischaemi and şi Artemisietum austriacae.

The region is also an important refuge of threatened species like the Mediterranean species such as Asphodeline lutea, Paliurus spina - christi, or Balkan species such as Paeonia peregrina, Crocus flavus and Centaurea napulifera. Pontic species such as Iris sintenisii, Asparagus verticillatus, Mercurialis ovata, Scorzonera mollis, Piptatherum virescens, are representative for Dobrudja. Steppe species such as Rumex tuberosus and Erysimum cuspidatum can be added.
br>The fauna elements which were identified in these forests are represented by numerous species of insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. There are prey birds such as Buteo buteo, Falco subbuteo, Falco tinnunculus, Accipiter nisus, reptiles such as : Testudo graeca ibera, Podarcis taurica, Vipera ammodytes and mammals such as Capreolus montadoni capreolus and Dama dama.

On the territory of the commune Slava Cercheză, a surface with a special value from the natural patrimony point of view was identified and proposed as a natural reserve.

There is no natural or human factor to produce any modification to the landscape.
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