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The archeological traces and the historical documents demonstrate the permanence of the aboriginal population and of the successive lifestyles superposition of both the Romanian element from other country’s lands and those belonging to the allogeneous populations. In time, those facts defined the very interesting ecumene of Dobrudja.

On this territory, every folk culture element reveals co-habiting relationship between the autochthonous Romanians (Moldavians, highlanders, Transylvanian shepherds) on one side and the different populations settled here (Bulgarians, Turks, Tartars, Lipovans, Ukrainians, Germans, Italians, Greeks) on the other side.

In time, a specific civilization has been created. Both common elements of all the ethnical groups and particular and individual elements of each ethnical group characterize this civilization.

The common elements, the similarities, are the result of the co-habitation in the same space (from the point of view of the material civilization) and of the ancient mythical stock, of the archaic outlook which, in the mental humanity evolution has been materialized into faiths and customs (from the point of view of the spiritual culture).

The separating elements of each ethnical group cultural tradition belong to the different alternatives for the representation of those archaic faiths generated by: religion, period of the custom formation, the respective ethnical group original place.

Therefore, these separating elements have not been a brake to the peaceful co-habitation in Dobrudja. They have reciprocally respected the customs, religion, the ways of life. Tolerance always constituted the essential note of Dobrudja traditional community behavior.

In time, in this area, the social life history and dynamic, the mental level manifestations allow to consider and to define this territory as a zone of ethnical acceptance. From this side, there are certain characteristics to enumerate: a comprehensive co-habitation, an ethno-cultural reception, an open intercultural model.

Nowadays, the ethnographical patrimony of Dobrudja makes the object of research and conservation. Institutions like Village Museum from Enisala, Ethnographic Museum – Memorial House “Panait Cerna” from Cerna, Folk Art Museum from Tulcea keep and valorize objects, customs and traditional architecture. Customs are also preserved in different villages (Izvoarele, Murighiol, Niculiţel, Enisala, etc). There are many houses which architecture is the traditional one (Izvoarele, Murighiol).

In conclusion, Northern Dobrudja is a rich space from all points of view. The complexity and diversity of its patrimony define an unique area which originality must be known. The natural, archeological, historical elements are the base for the exemplary life style of this most eastern European region.
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231