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The territory of Northern Dobrudja has been inhabited as early as the Middle and Superior Palaeolithic, archaeological traces from this period being discovered at Babadag, Slava Rusă (Slava Cercheză commune), Baia, Beidaud and Enisala (Sarichioi commune). For the Neo-Aenaeolithic epoch, beginning with the end of the V millennium B.C., the cultures Hamangia, Boian, Gumelniţa and Cernavodă I, are specific. In the period of Bronze epoch, in the Low Danube zone, foreign ethnical and cultural elements – conventionally named Indo-Europeans, with the origin in the northern zone of the Black Sea, showed up.

The XI century B.C. points, with the birth of Babadag culture, the beginning of the Iron Age in the Istro-Pontic region, epoch when the individualization of the Gaeto-Dacians from the big Thracian people takes place. Against the end of the evolution of the Babadag culture (VIII-VII B.C.) the first fortified settlements (Babadag, Enisala, Tulcea-Tabără, Jijila) appear in the zone. The Gaetic civilization has been strongly influenced by the Greek colonization which reached the western Black Sea coasts as early as the VII century (Istros and Orgame-Dolojman Cape).

For the second epoch of Iron, the treasure of jewelry pieces discovered at Agighiol, found inside a tumular grave, is representative for the Gaeto-Scythian art.

The framing of Dobrudja into the Roman Empire as part of the province Moesia, in a first phase, respectively Moesia inferior – after 86 A.D., constituted the political, economic and cultural frame for the life together of the autochtonous people with a population came ex toto orbe romana, of the synthesis of a civilization which will constitute then the base of the Romanian people and language. The building of camps along the entire line of the Danube, the foundation of villages, towns and farms (villae rusticate, the rush of veterans, militaries, colonists and merchants, the realization of the roads system (viae and semitae), make from Dobrudja a bulwark of the Roman world.

The period of the Roman domination in Dobrudja, I B.C. – beginning of VII A.D., is well-known due to the investigations made at the fortresses Orgame-Argamum (Jurilovca - Capul Dolojman), Dinogetia (Garvăn), Halmyris (Murighiol), Troesmis (Igliţa,Turcoaia) Noviodunum (Isaccea), Ibida (Slava Rusă), Aegyssus (Tulcea), at the burghs (fortifications) from Mihai Bravu and Topraichioi, at the villas rusticate from the zone Horia, Niculiţel and Teliţa, at the necropolis from Noviodunum, Beroe and Enisala.

The antiquity of Christianity on the territory of Dobrudja is proved by the discovery of basilicas with martyrs’ crypts at Halmirys, Niculiţel, Beroe, the Palaeo-Christian Complex from Ibida/Slava Rusă and by the organization of 15 bishoprics, subordinated to the bishop of Tomis the capital of the province.

In VII – IX A.D., the Slave invasion determined the abandonment of the towns and, implicitly, of the urbane life in Dobrudja. A new culture (Dridu culture), specific for the Balkan-Danubian space appeared, fact proved by the archaeological discoveries made at Enisala (settlement), Nalbant and Valea Nucarilor (necropolis).

At the end of X A.D., the territory between Danube and Black Sea enters in the Byzantine Empire, being administratively organized as thema Paristrion and Paradunavon, fact which will lead to a flourishing of the economic life, demonstrated by the investigations from Preiaslaveţ (Nufăru), Isaccea, Dinogetia-Garvăn, Beroe.

The human society from Dobrudja covers the natural steps to the Medieval state constitution. The historical sources tell us about some local leaders: Sestlav, Tatos, Satza, (Anna Comnena), a “jupan” Dimitrie. Then we find the Dobrudja state constituted at the time and under the rule of Dobrotici. At the time of Mircea the Old, this extends his domination, including Dobrudja inside the Wallachia’s borders. At the end of Mircea’s rule, the Turks succeed to dominate the south of Dobrudja, and immediately after the falling down of Chilia (1484), the entire Dobrudja is included in the Ottoman Empire, at the time of the sultan Baiazid II.

After a period of peace and relative prosperity, beginning with the second half of XVIII A.D., Dobrudja becomes war theatre in the Russian - Turkish or Austrian–Russian – Turkish confrontations, fact which will lead to the destruction of the fortifications from Babadag, Isaccea, Tulcea, Măcin.

The war for the Romanian state independence brought back Dobrudja inside the Romanian state borders. A period of administrative, social and cultural integration of the new province followed up. After this moment, Dobrudja will have a natural evolution inside Romania, with the particularities given by the presence of more than 15 nationalities on its territory.
Institutul de Cercetari Eco-Muzeale Tulcea - 14 Noiembrie, 3 - 820009 Tulcea - Romania - tel. +40.240.513231