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Route around Tarraco and its sorrounding area

The roman archeological heritage of the city of Tàrraco is located, in concentrated way, within the city centre and its most inmediat surroundings. From the proposed route by the Archeological Museum of the capital, the Costa Daurada introduces the historical heritage of this territory and culture invites to understand and learning os that ancient culture that, centuries before Christ, left in inheritance the most important roman vestiges of Catalonia.

The start of the route is placed a few kilometers of the capital, precisely in the north, next to the roman aqueduct of ''Les Ferreres''. Surrounding Tarragona, thirteen kilometers to the south, we can find Constantí and the roman town of ''Centcelles'' which is a big mausoleum of Paleo-Christian art. Coming back Tarragona, it is recommended to visit the Archeologic National Museum for initiate themselves into the architectural knowledge of the posterior sets. Once the museum itinerary is finished, the route follows its way towards the urban patrimony from the Archeological Avenue.

Big part of the walls that protected the city is visitable. After visiting them we can see the Portal of Saint Antoni; this arch gives access to the High Part, where the Precinct of Cult and the big Provincial Forum were found in the Roman period. From this point, we will walk until the King’s Square and the Pretorium-Provincial Forum set, which has connection with the Circus. After its visit it is possible to follow the route until the Amphitheatre, placed between the Via Augusta and the Beach of the Miracle, where we can see vestiges from a Visigothic basilica of the 6th century and a Romanesque church which is called Saint Maria del Miracle. Another important point to visit is the Forum of the Cologne, on the Low Part, and the Paleo-Christian Necropolis, beside the Francolí River.

Six kilometres away from Tarragona, taking the Barcelona’s direction by the road, it is possible to visit the Tower of the Escipions and Pedrera del Mèdol, which is a big sample of roman stone exploitation for the construct of Tarragona’s buildings. Twelve kilometres away from Tarragona it is possible to find the village of Altafulla and its roman town which is called “dels Munts” (''of the Heaps'') that was a residence of a high ranking official of the city during the 2nd century aC. In order to finish the route, and before arriving at El Vendrell, it is necessary to stop for visiting The Arch of Barà, from August rules, which marks the significance of the province capitality and is a witness of the reform of the communication route between Gades and Rome: the Via Augusta.

Modernist Route of Reus

The modernism is a European movement that is manifested in Catalonia with a great force, until achieving a representative urban climate of the taste of the new industrial and commercial bourgeoisie who was imposed as ruling class at the end of the last century. Although the main nucleous was Barcelona, the movement arrived soon at several Catalan cities and Reus became a distinguished center, especially in architecture. In this sense, evident and significant signals have remained in and out of many of the houses which were constructed that moment: furniture, lamps, objects, jewels, family remembrances and, obviously, façades and structures. Even though the culminating moment of the modernism was about 1900, in that moment Reus did not live a good constructive period. The consequences of the phylloxera that leveled the crops of the vineyards and the causes of the overproduction of the textile industries were terribly suffered by the population. Only some rich and important landowners families, traders or industrialists who had a sanitated economic power, were the ones who promoted the first and best works of modernist architecture, just at the eclosion moment of the style.

The principal figure of the Modernist architecture in Reus is Lluís Domènech i Montaner due to his works and the teaching which he exercised. Thanks to its friendship with Font of Rubinat he received the first order, the construction of the Institute Pere Mata (1897-1919). It was a work of great importance, with minicity structure, where he applied a new urban planning and renovator concepts of security, planning of spaces, modulation, ornamentation and use of materials. His architectural style influenced other modernist buildings that were carried out in the city. It is necessary to highlight the constructions of Pere Caselles, municipal architect who collaborated with Domènech in the works of the Institute Pere Mata and carried out a great number of public and private buildings.

The Modernist Route of Reus has been created in order to make easy the knowledge of this modernist heritage. It is a pleasant promenade along the center of the city, where we can find the commercial and leisure area and all the main modernist buildings which are signposted and identified with a plaque that allows identifying the most interesting façades of the city. In total, there are twenty-four constructions which shape the modernist inventory which is included in the route: the Casa Gasull, the Casa Tarrats, the Casa Segarra, the Casa Bartolí, the Schools Prat de la Riba, the Oenologist Station and the Casa Navàs, which was constructed following the maps of the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner and probably the most emblematic building of the route.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427