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The Costa Daurada, that geographically corresponds with the province of Tarragona, is one of the tourist marks of Turisme de Catalunya (organism of tourist promotion of the Catalonian Government). At the moment this mark is in a process of division between the own Costa Daurada (North) and the new mark Terres l'Ebre (South).

In addition to Turisme de Catalunya, the tourist promotion is carried out from very diverse scopes, being the main the Patronat de Turisme of the Diputació de Tarragona ( and that through this multilingual website provides diverse information of tourist interest. In any case, other official organisms exist that also make promotion workings, like the local advice and the municipal patronages of tourism of several municipalities (Tarragona, Reus, Salou, Cambrils, Vila-Seca-La Pineda, and Calafell among others). Also it is counted on the promotion on the part of the private initiative, like those performed by the associations of hotels and campings or the park Port Aventura. All these agents are therefore the final people in charge of the tourist image that is sent to the potential visitors and the tourists in destiny. The main sent message is that it is a seaside destiny and directed to a familiar public, local, national and foreign, in fact, the last campaign of publicity of Turisme de Catalunya begins with the motto "the Daurada Coast feels your family well".

Some of the tourist supplies and services that are in the zone (there are no included cultural and natural resources and products since they are analyzed in below) that are promoted as attractive for that segment of market are:

Length of the coast 244 km
Length of beaches 140 km
Sport port number 15
Moorings number 4.390
Bars and restaurants number 2.147
Hotel number 353
Camping number 74
Establishments of rural tourism number 181

One of the first problems whereupon we were, and that it is related to the imaginary group, it is that in many cases the foreign tourists do not distinguish between the mark of Catalunya and the rest of Spain, and with much more difficulty distinguishes the mark Daurada Coast of the other supplied in Catalonia. In this sense, Salou is the destiny better positioned.

The statistical data indicate that more than four million of tourists visited the Costa Daurada in 2004; one is an outstanding tourist destiny, national as as much international. The image perceived by the tourists is the one of a place of tourism of Sun and Beach, of familiar type, with diverse attractive. The proximity tourists perceive better the values of the natural and cultural patrimony of the area, in fact the Natural Park of the Delta of l'Ebre is one of the most visited of Spain.

On the other hand, it is a tourism with a strong seasonal component, concentrated basically in the summer months. Anyway there are initiatives from the public and private sectors that try to avoid this problem. With this aim there are programs to opening during all the year in specific hotels that offer alternative services as spa offer or thermalism; the opening of Port Aventura in Halloween and Christmas is another example.

In spite of the important presence of patrimonial values in the area, this is not perceived as a destination of cultural tourism yet. In this sense, it is convenient to remember that the Costa Daurada has 367 Cultural Goods of National Interest (that they include monuments, historical goods and archeological goods). These Cultural goods include three that belong to the category of Humanity Heritage: Monestir de Poblet, the archeological ensemble of Tarragona and the Cave Art of the Mediterranean Arc of the Iberian Peninsula (see below for further details).

From the Patronat de Turisme de la Diputació de Tarragona it is intended to promote other touristic segments, and especially the cultural tourism, as it can be observed on its web page (, on which a special reference to the cultural offer of the Costa Daurada is done. One of the new working lines is the promotion of the wine (enological) tourism, through the edition of a new catalog on enoturism in different regions of the area, enhanced by six Denominations of Origin: Priorat, Montsant, Conca de Barberà, Terra Alta, Tarragona and Penedès. In the same way, from the municipal sponsorship of tourism of different localities (as the city of Tarragona, Reus, Salou, Cambrils, and many other ones) they are carrying out a handsome bet for the cultural tourism.
Universitat de Barcelona - Pg. Vall d'Hebron, 171 - Ed. Llevant Desp., 115 - 08035 Barcelona - España - tel. +34.93.4034427