Ravello Lab - International Forum 2nd edition “The economy of culture in Europe of 27”

Ravello, 24 - 26 October 2007

Promoters: Cuebc, Federculture and Formez;

Partners: Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities, Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, UNESCO and Council of Europe (Participants: 120)


Ravello LAB 2007 focuses peculiarly on the contribution to the newborn European strategies on culture dealing with two main aspects:

  • Cultural industry for the territorial growth and competitiveness
  • Innovative policies and instruments to enhance spread cultural heritage

These issues have been chosen in order to bring concrete support to the EU strategic priorities with experiences and case studies in a logic of maximum proximity with what is currently programmed at a technical, political and institutional level.

Ravello LAB 2007 has had two main aims:

  • Fostering the development of a European community in the cultural sector that stimulates reflections on this issues
  • Contributing to the European cultural policies through operative suggestions (Ravello LAB recommendations) for stakeholders. These recommendations will be the basis for the projected meeting in 2008 reserved to the Director-General of Cultural Heritage Ministries of the 27 Member States.


Wednesday 24th October

h. 20

Welcome cocktail and authorities greetings


Sindaco di Ravello

Presidente Comunità Montana

Presidente Provincia di Salerno

Camera di Commercio

Fondazione Sichelgaita


Thursday 25th October

h. 09.00

Participants’ registration

Ore 09.30

Opening of the workshop

Alfonso ANDRIA, Presidente Comitato Ravello LAB

Programmed speeches

Regione Campania

Andrea MARCUCCI Sottosegretario Mibac

Forum presentation and introduction of the issues – base for the lab

Claudio BOCCI, Consigliere Delegato Comitato Ravello LAB


Method: plenary session


h. 11.00 – 13.00

the lab develops in two parallel sessions:


Cultural industry for territorial growth and competitiveness

Innovative policies and instruments to enhance spread cultural heritage


Method: parallel sessions

h. 14,30  – 18.00

The lab goes on with the discussion among participants in both sessions


Method: parallel sessions


Friday 26th October

h. 9.00-13.00

The lab goes on with the discussion among participants in both session


Method: parallel sessions


Ore 16.00

Public presentation of the results of the LAB and reading of  “Ravello LAB Recommendation” to stakeholders: EP, CE, CoE, International organizations, Italian Government, Public administration, Communication and Media.



Comitato Ravello Lab


Method: plenary session