Data and Image Processing in Classical Archaeology
a cura di: J. Boardman, D. Kurtz
(Estratto da "Archeologia e calcolatori", 4)
Proceedings of the international conference
Ravello, 03-04 Aprile 1992
List of Participants
⇒Data and Image Processing in Classical Archaeology. An Introduction (D. Kurtz)
I. Academic projects
⇒La base JUPITER du Musée du Louvre (M. Hamiaux)
⇒Base de données JUPITER du Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines du Musée du Louvre: les applications à la céramique grecque (M. Denoyelle)
⇒L'informatisation des archives de l'Ecole Française d'Athènes (K. Christophi)
⇒Documentation of the Restoration Project for the Acropolis Monuments. Creation of a Data Bank (F. Mallouchou-Tufano)
⇒The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance (A. Nesselrath)
⇒Antiquities Known to Winckelmann (M. Kunze)
⇒DYABOLA - Der Kurze und konsequente Weg von einer Literaturdatenbank zur Objektdatenbank (V. Brinkmann, R. Biering)
⇒LIMC (J. Boardman)
⇒Le vidéodisque "Parthénon" Musée da Louvre, Département des Antiquités grecques, étrusques et romaines (S. Descamps)
⇒The Sacred Way Project. Multimedia Education in Classical Culture, Art and Archaeolagy (C. J. Dallas)
⇒PERSEUS I.O. Interactive Sources and Studies on Ancient Greece (N. Cahill, N. Smith)
⇒The Beazlay Archive Database (D. Kurtz)
⇒Base de données et banque d'images: l'exempla de la photothèque archéologique du Centre Camille Jullian - Aix-en-Provence (V. Gaggadis-Robin)
II. Academic research applications
⇒Observations on the Development of Art Information Standards in North America and Europe (E. E. Fink)
⇒Ouvrir à un large public l'accès à une information spécialisée (A. M. Guimier-Sorbets)
⇒The Future of the Classical Archaeologist (L. Hünnekens)
III. Some technical considerations
⇒Information Technology in Museums (J. Moffet)
⇒CITED. Copyright in Transmitted Electronic Documents (D. Delouis, D. Puterflam)
⇒Image Acquisition and Image Analysis of Archaeological Fragments (G. Stanke)
IV: Italian and European programmes
⇒Applicazioni informatiche nel campo dei Beni Culturali: le esperienze della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (M. C. Parra)
⇒La catalogazione automatizzata del patrimonio archeologico nazionale in Italia (S. Papaldo, M. Ruggeri)
⇒"Archeologia e Calcolatori". A New Italian Journal in the Field of Archaeology and Computer Science (P. Moscati)