Urban communication for a qualified cultural tourism in historical cities- Experiences of urban signage
Workshop, Florence, March 3, 2016

International Sub-Committee - CIVVIH Mediterranean Cities
Italian Scientific Committee of Historic Towns (Italian ICOMOS - CIVVIH)

Prof. arch. Teresa Colletta, Vice-President of ICOMOS CIVVIH, President sub-committee of the Mediterranean ICOMOS CIVVIH

The Workshop intends to analyze the issue of the communication in the history of the city in the heart of urban centers, namely the information to a wide audience about the successive transformations of the streets, squares, walls, markets, castles, monasteries, palaces, etc., but also vistas, strategic viewpoints, environments, cultural landscapes etc. in the site of their current location, compared with the "ancient".
The topic of Urban Communication or Urban Signage already was analyzed in the Seminar of the Italian Committee ICOMOS CIVVIH that took place in Ravello in March 2012 at the European Centre for Cultural Heritage.
After three years, with the advent of the technological innovation and of the knowledge always more specialized, there are new possibilities, new experiences and best practices that are very important to know and to share.
The issue of the communication of urban history is a subject closely linked to urban tourism more extensively informed and trained, that cannot be reduced to activities of urban design, and therefore must be "scientifically" organized and realized.
So the Workshop aims to involve projects and proposals made on this issue in the historical Mediterranean cities and to compare them. The finality is to make the public aware of the visitors the urban history and the values of the architectural and urban heritage that are not always well marked, with references to historical and contemporary maps with the aim to understand the transformations of various areas of the city.
The Signage, as it is commonly called, is often absent in comparison with the information on the works of art and the architectural monuments. The topic involves a problem of knowledge of urban history and of management of urban spaces as well as of the infrastructure that are available for to make the communication. In Italy there are also recent regulations UNI ("Gestione integrata dei servizi di supporto per il funzionamento, la fruizione e la valorizzazione dei beni immobiliari e urbani").

Deadline for individual abstracts

1 Members of ICOMOS, Members of CIVVIH, Members of Sub Committee of CIVVIH Mediterranean cities, the Associations, the public and private Institutions as well as scholars and professionals can contribute to the Workshop by sending an abstract (300 words in Italian or English) to the email address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
I. Title of the proposal
II. Personal information (full name, institution, a short CV (50 words), phone number and email address)

The sending of the proposal must be before of 30th November 2015

2. Proposals will be evaluated by a Scientific Committee composed by specialists and researchers in the field. The Scientific Committee will assess whether the proposal will be accepted without comment, accepted with comments, or completely rejected. These valuations will be communicated to applicants before the end of December 2015 and the opinion of the Scientific Committee will be unquestionable.

Prof. arch. Teresa Colletta
Prof. arch.Olimpia Niglio
Prof. arch. Carla Romby
Prof. arch. Rosa Carafa

Palazzo Coppini, Centro Studi ed Incontri Internazionali
Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco – Life Beyond Tourism
Via del Giglio 10, Firenze