Beyond the map
Archaeology and spatial technologies
IOS Press 2000
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Ravello, Italia, 01-02 Ottobre 2000
Preface (Gary Lock)
Introduction: Return to Ravello (Gary Lock, Trevor Harris)
- Vision, perception and GIS: developing enriched approaches to the study of archaeological visibility (David Weatley, Mark Gillings)
- Perception and viewsheds: are they mutually inclusive (André P. Tschan, Wlodimierz Rackowski, Marlorzata Latalowa)
- Understanding wetland archaeological landscapes: GIS, environmental analysis and landscape reconstruction; pathways and narratives (Henry Chapman)
- A particular view (Gary Lock)
- Understanding movement: a pilot model towards the sociology of movement (Marcos Llobera)
- Topographical and cultural influences on walking the Ridgeway in later prehistoric times (Tyler Bell, Gary Lock)
- Quantifying the non-quantifiable: studying hunter-gathered landscapes (Joel Boaz, Espen Uleberg)
- Land evaluation as predictive modelling: a deductive approach (Hans Kamermans)
- Understanding Roman settlement patterns through multivariate statistics and predictive modelling (Zoran Stancic, Tatjana Veljanovski)
- A GIS-based analysis of the Etruscan cemetery of Pontecagnano using fuzzy logic (Marco Crescioli, Andrea D'Andrea, Franco Paolucci)
- Comments on archaeological prediction (Martin Kuna)
- Ancient and new Pompeii: a project for monitoring archaeological sites in densely populated areas (Federica Giannini, Maria Teresa Pareschi, Grete Stefani, Marina Bisson)
- Archaeological and virtual micro-topography: the creation of DEMs for recontructing fossil landscapes by Remote Sensing and GIS applications (Maurizio Forte)
- Beyond the map: harmonising research and Cultural Resource Management (Neil Lang)
- Archaeology, GIS and Cultural Resource Management (Philip Verhagen)